

true silence is rarely experienced by the weak

only by the wise and never by the brave

can silence be not only experienced but achieved

the white noise of the airplane

fills the user with an uncomfortable calm

looking around and seeing all the other passengers

simultaneously leaning their heads back and blankly staring forward

the only interruption being the *ding* from the flight attendant

or the occasional pilot announcement

the uncomfortable calm 

allows them to 

sit back


and enjoy the flight

along with all the other passengers

with their headphones in

eyes gray

ears filled by the deilluminating white noise

who is your pilot

who will you allow him to be

how could you allow yourself the illusion of the choice in thinking that you can choose your own pilot

Autonomy was never real

So is god your pilot? 

Or perhaps a stranger

Maybe your mother

Autonomy was never real




Or will you hijack the plane

And be the maker of your own existence

With a great risk of fatality

Much more than if you allowed god to be your pilot

Was Autonomy ever real

Many often believe they are in silence

But really, they have just adjusted their frequencies

To ignore any stimulus

Any instruction

Any love

Any hatred

Any care

Living their lives as if they were on a plane

Where there is nothing to do but exist

Oh to be non-autonomous

To have every thought be blurry

Every face be like the other

Every conversation like the last

Working so hard but never earning a dollar

Saying I love you but never meaning it

Playing escapism like its a toy

Allowing everything around you to move forward

Feeling both everything and nothing

Being both overstimulated and understimulated

Focused and dazed

Its friday hooray! 

But you thought it was Tuesday

Being enamored by nothing 

But being eaten alive by everything

Prey and predator

High and low

Dried or alive

In the air or on the ground

Unable to do anything besides exist

I think we should all be afraid of flying



