sleep my love
for you need the rest
after a long day of battle
a fight only fit for a warrior
with a sword of diamond
but a suit of tin
close your eyes
and be with your beloved
be loved
turning my back
turning off the light
closing the door
collapsing on the other side
for a wound that deep could never be hidden for more than i saw you
thick cherry wine
being delicately poured out of my chest
with precision and care
the drip evolves into a flow
and eventually a river
of whatever i have left
you sleep knowing i’m bleeding
but god forbid you’re woken
i wouldn’t want to disturb such a beautiful lady
in her much needed rest
the pain overwhelms me
me entire being
consumed from a wound
eating away at my 21 grams
my 278 pounds
my tablespoon of love
flowing with the stream